Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Alma Mater (01.09.2021)

 Alma Mater

A nurturing mother.

That’s what you were supposed to be. You were nurturing, yes I agree.

Were you motherly? I am unsure. I am unclear. 

I am grateful for everything you gave me. 

The ABCs. The 123s.

I am so very grateful for all the hours, all the letters you gave me. 

But where is the quality? Where is the meaning?

What are the words those letters make?

You had a good structure. So very sturdy. 

But did you make a home for me?

Inside all that sturdiness? 

Just because of the strength?

Where is all the warmth I must feel?

Was my heart too cold? Were my nerves too numb?

Alma mater! 

So prestigious. So glorious. 

You were nourishment. 


But thirsty is what I was.