Saturday, August 15, 2015


It hurts so much
But I did know
I am embracing fire
I was going to get burnt

It hurts so much
But I can't quit
When there is fire
There is light!

Friday, July 3, 2015

Sky, I envy you!

Dear sky up above
Gloomy and ready to pour 
I envy you!

In a moment,
Raindrops will fall
Making your burden light  

The Sun will shine 
Once again
As if it never rained 

Dear sky up above
I envy you!

My heart, too, is gloomy
as gloomy as you right now

Unlike you
I have no tears 
No tears to cleanse my regrets

So, my dear sky,
I will never see 
a sunny day again. 

Thursday, July 2, 2015

A bad dream

To me
You are like
a bad dream
I once had

A bad dream
I want to forget

A bad dream
I cannot wake up from

You are like
a bad dream I want to
Wake up from !