Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Beyond a dream

I had a dream last night. We were together at place which seemed to be a carnival. We were having fun, there was a big crowd and by the way we were together I could tell that we were a couple. It felt so good to be with you, although it was just a dream. It felt real, as reals as the days you are seated in front of me telling me how much you miss your old girlfriend.

This was just a dream. You promised me you'd stay for dinner. I was over the moon. I was so happy that I'm pretty sure that I was smiling for real. But then suddenly you left without a notice. Not even a goodbye. And, I remember seeing two parcels of dinner with you as you left in your bike.

I woke up, I was crying. Then I was thinking. Isn't this what I always, always fear that you will leave me without a notice. Like all the others did. I know I cannot keep you with me forever although, at this point of my life, it is my only wish. If you are planing to leave, I wish you'd let me know. Without ghosting me, without leaving me astray.

I just wish you'd love me the same way I love you